Saturday, August 4, 2012

Don't think about the things you don't get...

According to the Blog statistics there has been 7000 views of this blog.
I feel blessed to be able to share these pictures of God's creation and verses from His word as well as thoughts from His believers.
It is humbling to know that people from over 21 countries have seen this. I hope in some small way it has made your day brighter and more blessed. It certainly has mine just being able to share with you, my brothers and sisters from all over the world.

Please feel free to comment or make a request of a verse you would like to see.
I'm looking forward to hearing from some of you.

The statistics of the blog say that people who have seen this site are from the following countries:(Not in any specific order) Philippines, South Africa, France, Singapore, Russia, Indonesia, Lithuania, India, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Peru, Netherlands, United Arib Emirate, Germany, Bolivia, United Kingdom,  Honduras, Australia, Canada, Mexico, and the United States. If your country is not mentioned, it is because it was on a day I didn't check the statistics, so let me know, so I can add you to my list of friends. 

In my classroom where I teach I have a world map and now when I look at it I think, "I have friends here, and there, and there...."