Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! Romans 13:11

I read this on the internet the other day and wanted to share it with you.

2012: Gift of time from God by Jon Walker
"We manage time; we waste time. We spend time; we save time. We wish the time would come; we wish the time would pass. We see time fly; we feel time drag. We watch clocks and carry calendars, creating the illusion that we somehow control time, yet all the while moments flow forward like a mighty river that cannot be stopped, harnessed, or re-routed.
Yet, God controls time. He created time and we, his creations, are fenced by his time, directed and guided by his holy and loving hand. The year 2012 is a gift of time from God.
How will you use it?
What do you think God wants you to do with the 365 days of this next year?"